XUFENG ZHU is currently Professor and Associate Dean at the School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM) and Executive Director of the Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, Tsinghua University (TUSDG), Deputy Director of the Science & Technology Development and Governance Center, Tsinghua University (TUSTDG), and Director of the Think Tank Research Center of the SPPM. His research interests include the policy process, think tank and expert involvement, Science & Technology policy, environment and climate policy, and public governance in transitional China. He is the author of The Politics of Expertise in China (2019), The Rise of Think Tanks in China (2013), Reform and Opening-up and Contemporary Think Tanks in China (Chinese, 2018), Expert Involvement in Policy Changes (Chinese, 2012), and China's Think Tanks: Their Influences in the Policy Process (Chinese, 2009), and has published over thirty English articles.